
作者:Benjamin Yerick, DMA建筑学院的学生和实习生


特斯拉屋顶瓦片正在安装 维德尔 & 儿子 在DMA项目的屋顶上.

在过去的几十年, scientists and researchers have pursued a future that no longer depends on non-renewable energy sources; coal, 天然气, 几十年来,石油一直是我们的主要能源来源, 但由于它对我们的生态系统和健康的破坏性影响, 对清洁能源的需求持续增长. Renewable energy has been a growing topic and in the last few decades sustainable technology has developed rapidly. From inefficient systems not reliable enough to replace current energy sources to a form of technology that could now be a potential replacement that is environmentally friendly and reduces the harmful effects from other energy sources. The development of this technology has sparked conversations of a net-zero/net-positive future; transitioning from a hypothetical concept to a potential reality for individuals, 社区, 甚至是那些渴望减少碳足迹的国家. 许多公司以清洁能源为目标追求技术, 甚至是永久融入我们社区的潜力.

这在杰克逊霍尔这样的山区很常见, Wyoming is inconsistency; can this technology replace previous forms of energy consistently over time? The thought of renewable energy has been nothing but a hypothetical concept due to the environmental conditions of the area; the mountainous terrain, 最小太阳增益, 全年不可预测的气候是一个主要问题. 多年来, the answer was always up in the air and unknown; but as technology has improved over time, 概念越变成现实. Building-integrated photovoltaics (BIPV) have become a more discussed idea to allow designers the ability to create architecture without the need to consider investing and installing bulky, 在电池生命周期后造成技术浪费的可见系统. Photovoltaics have developed into a thin film-like material that can be integrated into almost anything, 从屋顶瓦片到包层和遮阳系统. 因此,许多个人和公司已经开始投资BIPV系统. A well-known example has been 特斯拉; a company who advocates for cleaner alternatives for energy. 最广为人知的是他们的电动汽车, 特斯拉还致力于以替代能源为重点的研究,包括BIPV系统. One of their most successful examples being their solar roofing system that has been installed in over 400,遍布美国的5000个家庭(特斯拉). 截至2022年5月, 特斯拉’s 3rd generation solar roofing system has officially been introduced to Teton County and has raised the question; is this technology reliable enough to replace current energy forms in complex climates?

假设是的, 在类似条件的地区,这种系统的例子并不多,但根据 维德尔 & 儿子 (2022), 曼哈顿特斯拉的认证屋顶安装工, 堪萨斯州和目前承包商第一次安装在提顿县, this system can be reliable enough to consistently generate energy even without direct natural light on the integrated PV cells. It’s commonly thought that photovoltaics require direct solar gain, which is not necessarily true. 多年来, this technology was not efficient enough to produce energy without direct solar gain. 随着光伏技术的发展和效率的提高, 现在有可能将间接光/环境光转换成可用的能量. Photovoltaics work through absorbing light photons created by radiation from the sun and converting them into volts in an electric current (NASA). 一旦吸收, the generated voltage is sent as a direct current (DC) to an inverter and transformed into an alternating current (AC), 然后将其作为可用能源应用于建筑物中. 所以只要光子停留在太阳辐射产生的电磁场中, 光伏电池可以以稍微不一致的速率将它们转化为可用的能量. 维德尔 & 儿子 explained that the integrated PV panels are strategically placed based on the slope and direction of the roof to capture as much solar gain as possible and maximize energy generation and reduce the amount of cells needed. 这最大限度地减少了光伏电池和电池生命周期完成时产生的浪费, the removal and replacement of the panel is designed to prevent needing a completely new roof system like many traditional roofs do after 20-30 years.


Other forms of technology have only reinforced this as a potential permanent replacement; smart technology or SMART (self-monitoring, 分析, and reporting technology) monitors energy usage with an artificial intelligence that compares data generated over time to use energy in the most efficient way possible; reducing wasted energy and minimizing total energy usage without the need for manual adjustments. 这也允许用户互动并了解他们的能源使用情况, 最终导致对节能的更好理解. 这项技术也可以用于传统能源, 但BIPV的好处是清洁能源. 所有的能量都有某种形式的浪费, 不可再生和可再生之间的区别在于废物产生的影响. 并非所有的太阳能增益都能成功转化为可用的能源, 导致一些能量以热能的形式被浪费掉(热能). 烧煤, 气体, and oil release harmful pollutants that contribute to ecological issues and impact individuals on a daily basis. 从空气质量到可用的饮用水, 不可再生资源的影响造成了我们每天面临的许多问题. The idea of net-zero and net-positive design is to minimize non-renewable energy and reduce its impact, 而不是完全摆脱它. 向清洁能源的过渡减少了对石油的需求, 气体, 以矿石为基础的燃料资源是有限和有害的.

许多人普遍担心的是成本,这是合理的. Not everyone has the money to invest in systems like this and without significant examples that these systems can produce enough energy to support a building in this region, 许多人不理会这个想法. 尽管这个论点有其道理, 重要的是了解能源是如何使用的,而不是了解所需的总能源. 如前所述,智能技术有助于最大限度地减少能源消耗. The benefit of BIPV is that most systems use smart technology to reduce wasted energy and allows individuals to monitor and track their total usage and total energy generated. 特斯拉’s roofing system uses a user friendly app to monitor the total energy used by the individual and the amount their roof is generating. 这不仅节约能源, 它鼓励用户更加意识到他们正在使用的能源. This will increase people to make healthy changes to their lifestyle to lower their energy bill all while staying comfortable within their homes. 根据特斯拉的说法,该系统基本上可以收回成本. 不管系统产生多少能量, 个人每月为能源支付的总成本将大大减少. 正如之前提到的, the longevity of the roof will ultimately remove the need for a total replacement in the future; panels can be removed and replaced with ease.

结论, solar energy is becoming more of a reality in diverse climates and with the growing concern for the ecological effects current energy sources have on the global climate, it is important for individuals to consider the type of energy they are using and become more aware of how they are using it. Building-integrated photovoltaics are vitally important when considering renewable energy; these systems increase awareness of energy consumption and promotes healthier lifestyles, 减少不可再生能源造成的有害污染物, and prevents technology waste from non-integrated systems that contribute to tons of waste each year.


光伏发电是如何工作的? (n.d.). 检索自NASA

特斯拉. (n.d.). 太阳能屋顶. 摘自特斯拉

维德尔,. (2022年5月23日). 维德尔总裁 & 儿子屋面. (B. Yerich官)



